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Always remember "mild mannered" Doug ,reacting furiously on return from the shops shunt on a winters morning too find his cheese sarnies welded to the tin foil on the radiator behind him , After a hours grumbling to his self he worked out Tracey Whyte had put them there and a few harsh words were exchanged , 17 years later , i am sorry to say it was me, Sorry Doug , Ian ( the co-op general manager ) Dougs pet name for me at the time
that brings back some memories
Always maks me smile when i think of Joe Collins ( black guy far left ) pulling out a rake of repaired wagons at Toton Wagon shops on a windy day many years ago .
The man in charge of securing the shop doors had missed a key , and the door closed on the train as it drew out , Somehow it attached to the train , the front of the shed was totoally demolished by the force of the pulling shunter ,
One can only imagine Joe's face has he looked back ,surveying the trail of destuction created
Dave Wang next to Joe , was well known in the sidings for being "tight".
Dave would regular bake bread in the North Yard to save on gas at home ! He was also rumoured to be taking home boiling water for his hot water bottle - early morning cuppa - !
Although this was only a allegation & never proved ...
Theyre were some really tight buggers in the yard ,
The "milk wars" of the 1990s were incredible , fully grown men agueing furiously over a pint of milk ! Great Days..
I recall a railman , dismantling a door for its inner bounty of a pair of "rusty old hinges " and spending a couple of hours rubbing them down for use on the ferret run !
In the days when "Wilkos" were offering a brand new hinge for
25 pence , now that is tight !!
Great days !!
North Yard tapper Maurice Scrivens used to take home apple cores for his budgie......
Coal picking was common in the sidings , New Bank tapper Cliff Grice had enough coal in his garage to fill a haa wagon ,
Maurice Scrivens mentioned above was my Grandfather...I'm currently considering doing a model of Toton Siddings...Thats how I came to find this...Does anyone have by chance any pictures of Maurice Scrivens at work...All I have is a picture of his retirement,
Thank you in advance.
Hello unfortunately I don’t have any photos of Maurice, but have very fond memories of working with him even though I was 40 years younger
than him , i presume he’s no longer with us …
Would love to know what happened to the Toton lost boys _ Irvine Mayers , Peter King , joe Collins , Dave Wang , Mad Muller Omar ,
Alan Dean , Keith Schofield , Oscar Mike , Jaws and Uncle Tom Cobley an all
How many of the class of 92 remain active on the railway ? Ok …! attending not active …that’s pushing it
Uncle Tom Cobley ? He isn’t,on my signing on sheet ! The boss says he’ll after have a form 1 ..yes sir mr Mansfield sir assume the ready to be shafted position
Whatever happened to TV spy ? Would love to hear about the caper with the cardboard television set one more time , now that was a classic
We’re TV spy and camera spy the same geezer ? This remains one of the great unanswered questions of all time
A where are they now column would be sensational
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